Friday, January 9, 2009

So I know I need to be at woRk at 9:30 am. Which requires me to wake up at 6:30 am so I can leave by 7:50 so I can be at the bus by 8:00 am BUT that sounds GOOOOD cause it neveR eveR happens. I tend to pRocrastinate a wholeeee lot and its hoRRible. I take a cab to woRk everyday which is 12 times 5 which is 60 dollars a week. I know I can afford it so I don't mind cause can take my slow sweet time. When I sit down and think hmm I can actually save 60 dollars a week and do something moRe productive with that money like save it. Then I think well Robyn you aRe already saving money in the bank so it's ok to spend the money on a cab Ha it's Really NOT though. I need to get a caR veRy soon cause NYC Public Transportation is thee WORST. I guess thats why I resort to taking a cab, to NOT deal with the headache. TheRe has to be a resolution quick cause almost 8 cabs a week isnt healthy lol. Well fiRst I need to wake up on time and not lay in my bed 45 mins after my alaRm goes off. We shall see how this week tuRns out. BARACK says CHANGE ChanGe CHANGGGE so yeah let me make an adjustment for the betteR !! Night Night it's 2:17 am so I have to wake up in 4 houRs (So much for that thought)

{Mananas Blog---> Something thats been on my mind and I soOo need to release how im feeling maybe feedback from people I don't personally know will help me have a betteR understanding}

1 comment:

  1. Good Start. It's a new year mama gotta leave those bad habits in 2008. make a like a list of things you need to do when you wake up and try to execute them 1 by 1 and that might help eliminate the procrastination. Great fist start though.
